Birchbox October 2013 | Review update | with Shanda G.
Hi everyone! I can hardly believe that it's November already. The holiday's are upon us, are you ready?
So here is my review of the products that I received in October's Birchbox. This box had some pretty cool things in it. I was excited to give them all a try. So let's dive right in shall we?

The product above is a face cleanser by Liz Earle. It came with a face cloth that's not shown here. This product has a creamy consistency that is easy to apply. After you apply it you are to put you cloth under warm water and put it on your face. Then after 5 mins or so you remove it with the cloth in circular motions. This was wonderful it made my skin feel absolutely clean with out over drying it. I was sad when it was gone. I would defiantly recommend this if you have oily break out prone skin.

Next I have this lip gloss by pop. Excuse the photo! This is a lovely shade but it wasn't for me. I found the formula to be a tad to sticky.

Another product I have to tell you about is this conditioner by Miss Jessie's Original. It's a softening detangling formula. This is a wonderful product. I must say I was surprised. Because my natural hair is thick and course. So, for this to soften my hair is a big deal. I give this 5 stars. I would purchase this when I get the next opportunity.
The last product that I have to mention isn't pictured. It was the Hydration Lock Chapstick. This is one of the life style extras i received in my box. It is made to moisturize the lips for 8 hours. I gave it to my son because in the winter his lips suffer a lot for some reason. He was glad to have it. I'm not sure how long it lasted in everyday life. Although this winter he didn't complain of his lips splitting or chapping. So it gets 5 stars form me just for that. I didn't mention these in my last post I do apologize. I will remember to do that in my next post.
Well I hope you all enjoyed and found it informative. Please share this all over the web. Don't for get to follow me for more post like this!
Shanda G.
If you want to see when I first opened the box click the link below!
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Disclaimer: I was not paid to make this post. All opinions are my own and all items shown were purchased with my money. I earn points if you join Birchbox using my link.
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