Emily and Einstein - A Novel | A Review | Shanda G.
Author - Linda Frances Lee
Series- Novel
Published- March 1, 2011 by St. Martin press.
Generes- Fantasy,fiction
Source- Library
Source- Library
Audio CD's - 9
But one night on the way to meet Emily, Sandy dies in a tragic accident. The funeral isn't over before Emily learns she is on the verge of being evicted from her apartment. But worse than the possibility of losing her home, Emily is stunned when she discovers that her marriage was made up of lies.
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Premise Excert
Emily and her husband Sandy Portman seemed to live a gracious if busy life in an old-world, Upper West Side apartment in the famous Dakota building.
But one night on the way to meet Emily, Sandy dies in a tragic accident. The funeral isn't over before Emily learns she is on the verge of being evicted from her apartment. But worse than the possibility of losing her home, Emily is stunned when she discovers that her marriage was made up of lies.
My Thoughts
I went by my local library looking for something different. When I picked up this audiobook and read the premise I was intrigued. Although I didn't realize that the man would become a dog! The cover of the audio book doesn't have a dog in it so I had no idea. I have to give it to the author it was clever to make Sandy into a dog, after the life he led. ;-) This audiobook is one of the best I have heard in awhile. The actors were very believable. I love the accents and expression in their voices. Especially Dan Miller. Some how he made his Texas accent believable. If I had read this I think I would have finished it just as quickly. The story had a good flow with well developed characters. I could imagine each of them in my head. If you haven't read this story and you're looking for something to give you a bit of motivation try this book.
My Rating
4 1\2 Stars
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Shanda G.
Shanda G.
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