Sick day 2018 | Life

If you're sick, take your sick day. If you don't take your sick day, know what your reward is? You wern't sick- that was the reward. - Chris Christie

Today I took a sick day. Guys I can't stand to be sick.  Because I get out of my routine. Things that need to be done don't get done. If my children are home it means cereal for breakfast, lunch, and possibly pizza for dinner. Although for them that isn't a bad thing! So, I try my best to avoid getting sick. But today I'm sick so here is what I do.

1.  Do you guys remember when your mom or grandma or any other helpful member of your crew said "drink lots of fluids"? I prefer tea so that's what I drink. Any decaffinated tea is good in my opinion. Although this should be done way before you are sick. I've been trying to incorporate more water in my everyday life also. Seems simple, but if you are like me it is easier said then done.

Taking an immune boaster like Echinacea, goldenseal and elderberry have been know to help. They can prevent you from getting sick ,or if you are already lessen the duration. I just add these to my tea, because let's be real they are pretty hard to swallow by themselves. As MaryPoppins said, "a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down". Although I prefer honey.

3. Get some sleep. That is one of the best medicenes of all. When I'm feeling worn down I try to go to bed about 2 hours before my usual bed time. Belive me this can be difficult to due with a full scheadule, but you have to take care of you before you can do anything for someone else.

So take care out there this flu and cold season everyone. Drink, Boost, Sleep repeat!
Leave a comment tell me what you do to stay healthy during this season.
Now i'm going back to bed.


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